Baby it’s cold outside…

The fact that it seems permanantly below freezing outside, is really bothering me.

Here in the UK, the weather is changeable and I pretty much like it that way.

But for some reason, this November and December, we have been landed with an arctic spell that goes on and on and on and you get the idea…

UK snowy day

UK snowy day

This has caused havoc with my wardrobe. YES, HAVOC. What do you wear when everyday is a bit colder than the one before? More warm stuff?

Erm no, because you have already been wearing the warm stuff and have got nothing left.

I am constantly looking the same and this gets on my nerves. I NEED SOME VARIETY.

This is how exciting it gets:

  • Monday: blue jeans, black leather boots
  • Tuesday: black jeans, black leather boots
  • Wednesday: white jeans, black leather boots
  • Thursday: oh for god’s sake, i’m going to wear a dress. Open front door, arghhhhhhhhh it’s freezing. TAKE.DRESS.OFF
  • Friday: 2 pairs of leggings and a dress? Nope. Even colder. Result- blue jeans and black leather boots.


I am dying to wear a dress and a shoes not boots.

But with reports of a white christmas around the corner and odds being slashed, I’ll be living in my jeans and boots for a long time to come.

4 Responses to “Baby it’s cold outside…”

  1. I really like this blog.

  2. Concerning. Very concerning.

  3. I’m with you…I love wearing dresses. Sometimes a dress and leggings are the best we can do in cold weather.

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